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Little Black Dress with Statement Necklace

Feliz inicio de semana a todos! A como les comentaba en mis redes sociales; los ultimos meses del aรฑo siempreย estan dirigidos a celebraciones de todo tipo! Tenemos comuniones, bautizos, graduaciones, misas, compromisos, bodas y mas!
Por esa razon, esta semana les voy a estar mostrando 5 propuestas (una para cada dia) de …

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Floral Print Blazer

Los estampados se han convertido en un clรกsico en estos รบltimos aรฑos, desde estampados tribales hasta florales, los podemos encontrar en cualquier tipo de prenda. Muchas veces cuando no sabemos que usar para ese evento semi-formal al que nos invitaron y no hemos tenido tiempo de depilarnos las piernas, solo queremos usar un pantalรณn con …

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Evening Dress with Jacket

Llegamos al comienzo de este fin de semana que para muchos serรก libre pero para otros mortales como yo, sera muy ajetreado! Les cuento queย los dรญas 7 y 8 de Noviembre (Sรกbado y Domingo) Revista Catalog y Movicancer estarรกn realizando un evento llamado “Boutique Sale” para recaudar fondos para las mujeres con cรกncer en …

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Stylish Sweater Top

Happy Thursday everyone! It is almost Friday which means, I want this week to end as soon as possible. I hope you liked my previous articles with outfits I wore for Fashion Week. It was an amazing experience and I can’t wait to do it again. Since December is coming soon, and some of my …

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Fancy Lace

Hola a todos!!! Estamos a mitad de la semana y me imagino que la mayorรญa de ustedesย estรกn ansiosos porque sea viernes (Asรญ estoy yo). Comenzando noviembre y ya estamos recibiendo invitaciones para la graduaciรณn de nuestro primo, la boda de nuestra amiga, compromisos, cena de graduaciรณn, bautizos, comuniones, etc. Muchos ya estamos buscando nuestro …

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MBFWP: Last day with class

The third day of the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week was both exciting and sad. Even though we knew the best was about to come (in the runways); we were also aware about how much we were going to miss our new and old friends, as well as the beautiful city of Panama. Having Shantall Lacayo …

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Pajama Trend

La nueva y tan aclamada pajama trend es la excusa perfecta para salir a pasear con la comodidad de tu hogar y luciendo perfecta y a la moda. Desde Alexander Wang hasta Rag & Bone y Givenchy, hemos podido apreciar en las pasarelas como grandes diseรฑadores adaptan piezas de pijama a looks del dรญa a …

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MBFWP: Lemon Pie

The first day of the MBFWP 2015 was iconic! The runways were not what I expected, but even better. Things got out of place with the first designer but I absolutely loved it ๐Ÿ™‚ (Stay tuned on my social networks and you’ll get to see more of this soon) I’m used to the typical runway …

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MBFWP: Feeling worldly

What is it about fashion that makes us all so interested in the subject? Everyone will have a different definition of fashion and I cannot judge or approve which one is the right answer. At the end of the day, we will adapt fashion to our own style and personality. Whatever makes us feel good …

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Laid Back Snazzy Look

Today I came back to my homeland: Nicaragua. Since it is pretty cool outside I decided to wear my new white lace top from Jessica Simpson that I got at Almacenes Siman. Besides having lace sleeves, it’s super comfy and perfect for the rain. When you come back from a trip, all you want is …

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