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All Posts By Priscilla Eslo

Designer sunglasses under $200 you need this summer 2021

Summer is officially here, and weโ€™re kicking it off with a collection of one of the seasonโ€™s best accessories: sunglasses. Weโ€™ve rounded up 18 of the best summer-ready designer sunglasses for women under $200. Yes, you read it correctly! From Balenciaga, Gucci to Prada, these stylish and affordable designer sunglasses will make you look like …

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12 Coolest strollers new moms-to-be need to look at!


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Places to eat in NYC right now

When dining in New York City, you want to make sure time and money are being spent properly. In the turbulent era of COVID-19, we praise any restaurant that has managed to stay open through what has been the most fatal and financially devastating time ever for NYCโ€™s small businesses.

To save you …

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